Monday, June 14, 2010

Turning Website Visitors Into Customers, The EASY Way!

Is there an "easy way" to turn traffic into customers? I believe there is. I do it every day.

Turning visitors into customers.Ask yourself ONE question:

"Do you provide an easy solution allowing visitors to communicate with you (right on your website) to help close the sale?"

I honestly believe that if you do this, then it doesn't really matter what you are selling, people WILL buy. Let me explain.

When I worked in the "traditional" business world, my company provided a product that was a solution to a problem for about 75% of the residents. Yet, everyday people would drive by our storefront and most would never stop no matter what the billboard said, or what discount we were offering. So, I conducted an experiment.

I put on my walking shoes and I went door-to-door explaining the benefits of the service we provided to anyone willing to stand in their doorway and talk to me. The result was nothing short of AMAZING. Business went through the roof and our profit margin for that year was 55%.

A 55% profit margin was a BIG deal. We had offices in other communities that were averaging 21% - 24% which was quite normal and accepted. So, why was my profit margin up? Simple. I didn't have to offer discounts when I met these people, right at the source of the problem, at their home. And, (this is the deal breaker) I met with the customer face-to-face.

My company provided weed control. I explained to the customer that I could help turn their dandelion lawn into a lush green carpet that would make their lawn the envy of their neighbors. In a nutshell, their egos got the better off them and they bought without me having to offer any discounts.

As we acquired more customers, I changed my approach and used the jealous approach as opposed to the ego approach. I would tell customers I could give them a lush green lawn just like their neighbor has. It all worked but, it took getting in the faces of potential customers.

Ask yourself, how may potential customers are simply driving by your storefront (website) and not bothering to take advantage of your product or service? How can you change this? Simple! Get in their faces, LIVE on your webiste. Oh yes, it's possible. I took this traditional business practice and applied it to my online business and BINGO, business increased.

A couple of years ago I created Web Site Communicator, a product that lets visitors connect with me face-to-face on any of my websites using a webcam. You can have this too for your business. You can try it for free for 14 days.

I also created a Facebook app that let's me work with my Facebook prospects (friends) right from my profile page using a webcam. Right now, you can get this app for free and try it yourself.

Am I trying to sell you something? You bet! I know if you use this tool you'll thank me for it as you watch your business increase. Don't be afraid to spend money to make money. Get this FREE mentality out of your head. If you keep searching for free ways to do business then you will attract the type of traffic that simply want FREE solutions to their needs. FREE attracts FREE. This isn't always good.

Spending money for your business in investing money into your customer. They'll understand and believe you are a SERIOUS business person with their best interest at heart. Oh yes, they WILL buy from you.

Give it a try.

Get Web Site Communicator at (includes the Facebook app for a limited time).

Or, simply get the Facebook app for free at

Have a wonderful day.
Rodney Brace