Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Happy Customer Guarantee

What does it mean to provide a Happy Customer Guarantee? Is it really necessary? Why do customers look for a guarantee? hmm.... interesting!

Web Site Communicator provides Happy Customer Gaurantee.

It's been my experience that people like to spend money but it's often difficult to get them to give up their money, especially when it comes to spending online. But it can be quite easy to get them to give up their money if you use the right tools.

How many websites have you gone to where the object is to get you to buy something? Maybe they offer all kinds of free stuff to sweeten the deal in hopes you will make that purchase. My philosophy has always been that if I have to provide a whole lot of free things to get you to buy my product then is there any value in my product to begin with? I think there's an easier way to get people to buy from you without convoluting the sale with all kinds of free stuff. The simple solution? Offer them YOU. Ok, before you think I'm trying to pimp you out, give me a chance to explain.

Sometimes, if a website visitor can speak directly to someone "behind" the Face-To-Face online then they will gladly make a purchase. You see, people buy from people more quickly than they do from automated systems. So why not add YOU to your website and increase your sales?

My 10+ years of online marketing has taught me many things. Out of one of my lessons I decided to create a program that would let me stream my webcam video directly onto my website so I could connect with realtime visitors to make realtime sales. It is working wonderfully for me and for many, many online marketers. This program goes beyond the telephone. With the telephone it is simply conversation. With my program, Web Site Communicator, it's all about Face-To-Face marketing.

Research shows from a retailer's perspective, that online shoppers who have experience with live chat technology exhibit several desirable behaviors. Chatters, it seems, spend more money. Doesn't that sound like music to your ears? I'll spend more time on this topic in my next blog.

I want to give you my free report about Turning Visitors Into Customers. It's a short report based on Turn Visitors Into years of traditional business experience and how I brought that knowledge to my online business. There are certain things in traditional business that weren't possible in online business until I created Web Site Communicator. My free report explains the value of Face-To-Face communication and how you can now do face-to-face website marketing. This is exploding many people's businesses and I am sure it can help your business also. Simply visit to download the free report.

When you are LIVE on your website so visitors can see and hear you and talk to you face-to-face, that's often all the guarantee they need. They know where to go if/when they need to speak to you. This type of service is better than all the FREE things you can offer to sweeten the sale, don't you think?

Have an awesome day.

Rodney Brace

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