Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Is Your Website Open For Business?

Are customers lining up at your website's proverbial door? When they get there are they able to deal with you instantly, right on your website? Do visitors know the moment they arrive on your site you are ready, able and willing to assist them? If you answered no, or are not sure what the heck I am talking about then you need to read this blog post before you do another thing today. Your website's success depends on it before your visitors run off to your competitors' sites.

Are you open for business? Gone are the days when the Internet was simply an information highway. A new era in business transactions is taking place and there's no reason in the world why you cannot share in this billion dollar industry.

Forrester Research reported that more than $200 billion dollars was spent online in 2006. That number is staggering. You can bet, though the data isn't in yet, that this number is much higher for recent years. With all this spending and growth comes competition and you can get lost in a sea of "giant" websites if you are not careful.

Sure, people tell you to perform SEO, buy traffic, buy leads, send out ads, etc... but that is only part of the puzzle. You see, your competition is doing these very same tasks. So the trick is to ask, "what are you doing to engage your visitor when they land on your site?" I'm glad you asked.

Web Site Communicator is a fairly new program that lets visitors to your website see you LIVE on your site via your webcam. Sound weird? Don't think you want people staring at your "mug" while you work? Well, maybe you're not ready for the big times and you are ok with letting your visitors go off to your competition. hmmm.... almost sounds like a no brainer to me. You'll get over the shyness pretty quick when you start making more sales.

You see, while someone is on your website, that person is YOUR potential customer. You only get about 14 seconds to grab their attention before they click out of your site, go back to their search engine and click the next link in the list. You've now lost that potential and probably, for good. Your loss becomes your competitor's gain. But it doesn't have to be that way.

When visitors can see you streaming your live webcam feed right onto your website they will probably do a "double take." It sends them a message you are serious about your business. It shows you are available to help them find what they are looking for and to answer their questions immediately, providing instant gratification. You see, Web Site Communicator is LIVE, Interactive Two-Way Webcam Video For Your Website.

Web Site Communicator let's your visitors interact with you right on your website. It's like they can walk right into your store and begin dealing with you face-to-face. Can you put a price on that type of technology? It helps stop shopping cart abandonment. One company boasts this type of technology can stop up to 70% of abandonment and can increase sales by up to 15% - 25% (numbers will change depending on the business).

Knowledge is power. Now that you know about this new technology and how it can benefit your online business, what are you going to do about your new knowledge? You can leave this blog site, and "stick the knowledge" on a shelf (so to speak) with some old magizines and forget about it or, you can try this technology for only $1 for 14 days and begin excelling your business to new heights.

Turn your website visitor's 14 second visit into a life-long repeat customer.

Go to for your $1 trial today.

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