Friday, October 30, 2009

COMMUNICATION: 90% of what you're saying isn't coming out of your mouth.

The movie HITCH begins with the title character telling us that, "60% of all human communication is nonverbal body language and 30% is your tone, so that means 90% of what you're saying isn't coming out of your mouth."

These percentages vary depending on the study but every study I have researched agrees nonverbal communication makes up 60% - 90% of communication. So why is this important? I'm glad you asked.

When you improve your communication skills you improve your business.

Are you struggling with converting opportunity leads, traffic to your website and cultivating FB friends for your business opportunity? Are you questioning why your conversion rates are so low? Maybe you are beginning to question the success of your business opportunity. Well, let's shift your thinking for one moment.

If 60+% of communication is nonverbal then maybe simply improving your communication skills will improve your business. So how do you do that? Another great question.

The Internet has allowed people from all over the world to start online businesses but what the Internet has been missing is the "nonverbal" skill set necessary to greater success. Notice I said "greater" success. Many people have enjoyed online success without this skill set but times are changing and you need to adapt to changes to ensure continued success.

There is a reason why MLM'ers used to meet (many still do) in living rooms, hotels, church basements etc., before the Internet Age. It's because face-to-face meetings yielded greater results than just simply talking to someone over the phone or sending them information in the mail. The Internet has made some of us "lazy" (no insult intended). Sure, we can reach more people but we are taking away 60% - 90% of effective communication that has been a cornerstone in traditional business. So, how we can fix that? Another great question. Pat yourself on the back for being so intuitive.

I come from 10+ years in MLM and years of traditional business networking. I knew I needed traditional face-to-face communication ability for my Internet business so, I created it. Now my website visitors and I can see and hear each other LIVE on any of my websites simply using our webcams, with NO download for visitors. Our body language, facial expressions and tones fills in the 90% of missing communication that researchers say is VERY important. My conversion rates are higher and so are the conversion rates of others using my program. I also created a Facebook App for my profile page that lets me communicate with my FB friends LIVE on my profile page. Stop by my profile page and chat with me LIVE and check it out for yourself at .

I would like to invite you to take a look by visiting my website at . Watch the 13 minute movie and take advantage of the trial offer. You owe it to yourself and to your customers.

Until December 31, 2009 we are including our very own web conferencing software program for free, a $99 monthly value. This offer will expire at the end of the year.

Have an awesome and productive day.

Rodney Brace

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